

Sunday 10:30 am 

Eritrean, Sunday 12:30 pm                                  

Small Groups

During the three years of Jesus’s active ministry he walked and lived with a small, intimate group. He focused on these relationships in order to build them up spiritually and in maturity. We believe that in small groups, we grow in faith and relationships. In our small groups, disciples meet together in homes and their local neighborhoods becoming a small congregation with a direct connection to the neighbors around them. It is in these groups that relationships are built, people are encouraged, and faith is grown.

Our small groups are open to any that wish to attend and like to join in community. Groups meet on different days and different times and in different places to be more convenient. For more information on dates and times email


A few of the groups meeting are:

Wedgewood Neighborhood

Ballard Neighborhood

Crown Hill Neighborhood

Edmonds Neighborhood

Shoreline (Etcetera) Neighborhood


Fellowship Groups:

Green Lake Walkers

Food and Film Group